Wednesday, 10 August 2016


Hi, my name is Victoria and I am currently 13 years old. I love video games of all kinds. I love to play them and I thought I would try and make them. So... This is my blog about that. I was planning on doing a blog post for each game I want to make and then make it. Which, if that is what I do, then this will only be a blog about ideas. Hopefully, if I make a game that I had the ideas for, then I will post about the creation of said game.

The people that were a huge inspiration for this were Youtubers. I know it's probably dumb, but people like Jacksepticeye and Markiplier, who play games made me want to make them. It would be so amazing if one of them played a game I had made.

Clearly I am not going to get off to a flying start, but I hope that people notice my games and my blog, so I have the motivation to make more. Also, being honest, I am not going to post everyday and I won't always remember to finish games, but I've already started making a game called 'Dementia' and I hope to do a blog post about that soon.

I appreciate constructive criticism and stuff like that, so if anyone actually notices this blog then I can improve. So, bye!